“Human of Census” Photo Series

The Collaborative’s UCLA Spring 2020 interns created a social media campaign to encourage the community to fill out their census. They are sharing their own personal stories and engaging their family members to tell our community why filling out the census is so important.

Check out their photos below and don't forget to complete your Census at my2020census.gov!

Melody is currently a first-generation Vietnamese student attending UCLA. She lives in an off campus apartment in Westwood with four other people. Her rent to live in a shared room is $750 per month. Her financial aid only covers about half of her rent, the rest she must pay from pocket. With what little money she has left, she cannot afford proper groceries.

However, with the help of the CalFRESH program, Melody is able to afford groceries to last her each month. Programs such as CalFRESH use the statistics from the Census to gauge the participation rate for eligible families and individuals to determine how much funding should be allocated. By filling out the 2020 Census at https://my2020census.gov/, you can help students like Melody afford groceries.

Fill out our pledge card to let us know you’ve turned in your Census! https://forms.gle/13mS2wfLpuLL9oBa7

Linh is currently a first- generation Cambodian-Chinese student attending her last quarter as a UCLA Bruin. She is from a low-income family where her mother works as a nail salon worker; as such, her family cannot contribute much to her goals of attaining higher education at UCLA. Knowing this, she has applied for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form every year she has been at UCLA in order to stay eligible for federal student aids. With the aid of federal funding, she is expecting to graduate this spring with her Bachelors of Science as a Biology major.

The Census provides statistics in order for the federal government to determine how much funding should be allocated to resources such as federal student aid that many college students rely on. By filling out the quick 10 minute Census at https://my2020census.gov/, you can help scholars like Linh continue their aspirations of attaining higher education.

Fill out our pledge card to let us know you’ve turned in your Census! https://forms.gle/13mS2wfLpuLL9oBa7

Cindy immigrated to America in 1997 from Vietnam with a vision to provide a better future for her only daughter, Cynthia, who is currently a second year at UCLA. As a single mother in need to support herself and her daughter, she earned a nail technician license in 1998 and pursued her work as a nail salon business owner one year later. After working for 6 to 7 days a week for 16 years, her health grew poor and she had to undergo two surgeries.

Coming from a low-income background, Cindy was worried about not having enough money to pay for her medication and hospital bills. But with the help of the Medi-Cal program, she was able to receive full health coverage that granted her a happy and healthy lifestyle. Programs like Medi-Cal depend on the Census in order to help determine how funds are being distributed. By filling out the 2020 Census at https://my2020census.gov/, you can help low-income mothers like Cindy qualify for low-cost or free health coverage that give her the priceless gift of health and in return being able to provide for her family.

Fill out our pledge card to let us know you’ve turned in your Census! https://forms.gle/13mS2wfLpuLL9oBa7

Tu Diệp immigrated from Quảng Ngãi in 1987 with nine of his children in hopes of a better future for his family in America. Today, he is a beloved grandfather to twenty-five grandchildren and a great-grandfather to two toddlers. At 97 years of age, he has been unable to work for the past several decades and receives the support and care needed to stay healthy from one of his daughters, his son-in-law, and their children.

Fortunately, federal programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) allow for his loved ones to help maintain his health without financial worries. Programs like SSI depend on the Census in order to help determine how funds are being distributed. By filling out the 2020 Census at https://my2020census.gov/, you can help ensure elderly Vietnamese immigrants like Tu Diệp continue to have good health and prosper.

Fill out our pledge card to let us know you’ve turned in your Census! https://forms.gle/13mS2wfLpuLL9oBa7


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